Hi Everyone-
I haven't been around much because I've been doing a lot of engagement and 
wedding planning for my sister who just got engaged and haven't had a chance to 
read through things going on with all of you. I just wanted to touch base and 
say that I hope everyone is well, and just let everyone know that Brooklyn is 
doing well. He didn't seem to be getting better from the diarrhea even with the 
meds I was giving, so towards the end of his treatment I decided because I had 
read it in an article...that I would let his stomach settle and not feed him 
for 24 hours. Well either the meds kicked in or the fasting helped, because he 
had solid cat poops the very next day. He's happy, but also very bratty and 
fresh! I'm still learning to understand cat behavior, we were cuddling and he 
was purring and I was petting him and then he just turned and bit me. I 
couldn't really understand why, but as I understand it sometimes they just have 
enough and if you don't read the warning signs, they let ya know with a good 
bite that they've had it. He's also been a horrible beggar! To the point that 
he meows loudly and demandingly and tries to knock food right out of my hands 
and off my plate. I have to admit it's entertaining, but it does get to be a 
bit difficult to eat and sometimes makes me feel he needs a lesson on manners. 
lol. I know he was a stray and can see too when I feed him that he CHARGES for 
the food as if it's the only meal he might have. Can anyone explain the biting 
to me a little further and also, whats the whole health issue with cat 
bites/scratches? The bite punctured skin and hurt a LOT and its taking a long 
time to heal. Any info/advice etc? He's so cute. climbs into bed and snuggles 
up against me and is always rubbing up against my face when it's bedtime. he's 
quite a character. Anyhow...thats the ramble for now. Hope all is well with 
everyone. Thanks for everything!

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