I haven't tried a vaporizer yet.  I did try taking him
into the bathroom and letting it fill up with steam,
but it didn't seem to help much.  
The vet gave me "Euphorbium", which I have never heard
of, but it seems to be a homeopathic nasal spray for
humans.  I was told to give him one squirt up each
nostril daily, but it doesn't seem to be doing a thing
for him.  His breathing hasn't improved at all since
Monday, except that he is getting much better at
breathing through his mouth.  I am also giving him
"Nose Relief" drops in his food and water 3 times a
day, but since he didn't eat for 2 days, we are a
little behind on that med.  He seems to be taking the
liquid food very well again today.  

I wasn't given any type of antihistamine.  Do you
think an antihistamine would help clear up his nose?
and if so, which should I give him.  

I am worried that maybe I am just being over concerned
about his nose being stopped up.  The vet seemed to
think that it would either clear up from the meds he
is taking or not, but that he was breathing ok through
his mouth so it wasn't critical to clear up his nasal

Honestly I don't know if anything will work though. 
His nasal discharge was a mixture of blood, and
whatever other fluids were up in his sinuses (the vet
said the tumors were shrinking and could have caused
the increase in discharge).  The thing is, when it
dries, it is almost like rubber cement.  It is thick
and hard, yet almost rubbery.  It is so weird.  I have
never seen anything like it.  It has been almost
impossible to clean it all off his face.  

I suppose that being a Persian might also have
something to do with it as well.  I have heard that
Persians sometimes have chronic trouble with their
noses, but he has never had any sort of problems until

His lungs are thankfully still clear, so if anyone has
ideas as to what might work to break-up what is in his
nose, please let me know.  

My vet left today to go out of town for 2 weeks on
holiday, so I don't know if I can get any new meds
prescribed until she returns.  She said the vet tech.
would still be available so that we can go in for
fluids or if things go down hill, we can go in for
other options.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Chandra~
> When we have outbreaks of severe URI's at the
> shelter, we do use  
> humidifiers/vaporizers in our Felv rooms. And it
> does seem to help.
> With one of my boys, who was prone to URI's, I would
> put him in my half  bath 
> with the steam vaporizer on. It really worked
> wonders for him, and having  
> him in a smaller, confined area seemed to work best.
> Of course, I would have to  
> spend time with him......
> But, he did lose the congestion.
> My vet also had me use "Little Noses", the pediatric
> nasal drops. What did  
> the vet give you, was it saline drops?
> Usually, using the nasal drops helps bring relief
> relatively quick.   Just 
> have to administer them about every 4 hours.
> Is Buddha still on clavamox?  My little Gus
> responded best to his URIs  with 
> either doxycycline or Zenequin.  Just tossing things
> out  here....
> Also, he was prescribed an antihistamine to help w/
> breathing.
> It sounds like the Alternative med. vet is
> understanding and  compassionate.  
> There should be more of them out there.
> I will be praying for Buddha's recovery. Please keep
> us updated.
> And I am sure other members will have some very good
> information to  
> contribute as for addressing Buddha' s Felv status,
> in regards to supplements  etc. 
> (Interferon, etc)
> And as far as not going to the vets for the 8 years,
> I have to agree with  
> your decision. I am quite leery of over-vaccinating
> & exposing my companions  to 
> whatever viruses are lurking at the time.  It sounds
> like you have been  a 
> very caring guardian for your boy, he is a lucky
> boy.
> I hope that you will have much more time together!
> Please, keep us updated.  You'll find this is a very
> caring,  compassionate & 
> supportive group.  Also, very well informed on Felv
> ~ I  can't stress that 
> enough.
> Give Buddha a hug!
> Fondly,
> Patti

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

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