Jen, I am really sorry he is having so many symptoms.  Is there any talk of giving the chemo a rest until he feels better? It is ok to give beneficial bateria while giving antibiotics, and it is in fact recommended. You just need to make sure you give it a few hours before or after the antibiotic doses so it does not get killed right away. I would definitely try the slippery elm. However, given how hard it as been to fix Lucy's diarrhea, I am not pretending to know how to fix this!  It's very good he is holding down his food though. Is he still on Reglan?
In a message dated 12/15/2005 11:09:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Michelle!

Unfortunately, not much improvement...he stays a the vet's office
during the day for fluids and supportive therapy...his appetite is
still close to nil and now he is combating severe diarrhea!  The vet
is trying everything she can think of and Ewok is being such a little
sweet-heart about all of the poking, prodding and syringe feedings.  I
just made up a batch of pureed boiled chicken and brown
least he's able to hold everything down...I'm going to give the
slippery elm a shot, but I'm holding off on any beneficial bacteria as
he is getting an antibiotic at the same time.  I'm not sure what else
to do but keep up the supportive therapy until his GI tract is in
working order, again!  I hope he bounces back soon, his blood-work is
normal as of Monday, and the vet is going to check it again
tomorrow...I miss my little fussy boy!  :(


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