Hi Nina,
No we haven't used immuno-regulin...His vet doesn't seem to like to use it..She told me that she hadn't had good results with it so I really haven't pushed the issue with it..
His temp has been spiking alot the last week so she told me yesterday to keep using the dex as needed to keep the temp down..He usually gets 1/2 pill weekly, but the last 2 wks, it has been going to over 104.5 every 2 to 3 days...so finally Thurs morning I gave him a whole pill..When we saw the vet on Thurs afternoon, it was 100.5..and he seems to be doing ok today...so far...I think this past leg injury has really caused him some problems over the last 6 months so that may be why the fever keeps going up and down...Nobody seems to know...I still find that really strange...
What exactly is the immuno-regulin suppose to do?  I will go read some more on it, too..I think I printed some info out on it last yr so it is probably in Bandy's records..If I remember, there is info about it here, too, right??  Hope all your babies are doing well these days..
Best regards to you and your furr-babies,
Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal

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