Have you tried Bandy on immuno-regulin?  Smokey was
having the same problem with fevers and so far these
shots have helped him.  He has gone 2 weeks now
without a fever?  Now I give him 2 shots a week subq.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>   Bandy has been sick the last week or so...the temp
> has been spiking every 2 or 3 days so I am having to
> give him dex more than once weekly...So yesterday I
> took him in as he seemed to be having a problem with
> his other eye similiar as the last time..
>   He has an ulcer on it from injury or well, not
> sure so he is on drops.. He seemed to be hurting all
> over so he got an adequan shot for possible
> inflammation in his leg..After we got home from the
> vet, he seemed to feel much better...He also got a B
> vit injection. We checked his PCV while there and it
> is 25 down from 27 in Dec...but we are really
> pleased that it is holding in the 20's. His total
> protein was 7.2 which is also good..
>   Buster isn't doing well today either...His last
> blood work was good though..I posted it awhile
> back..PCV was up to 27, I think...He is eating very
> good and drinking as usual..I am concerned now as
> the lymph nodes or something is so swollen in his
> neck that I have a call in to the vet now...They are
> the size of grapes..Anyone know anything about
> this...I am concerned that he could have
> lymphoma...He is on 20 mg of pred a day...and I have
> put him back on baytril...He doesn't seem to have a
> temp though...I just noticed this on Thurs when I
> got back from the doctor with Bandy..He has an appt
> on Sat. morning...Now that he feels better, he is so
> hard to medicate..He fights it all the way...and I
> really hate to stress him out, but I know he needs
> his meds.He won't eat them in his food...so I don't
> know what to do...other than just do it..then we
> both get stressed..Guess you all have been there so
> any suggestions on making this easier would be
> appreciated..
>   Hoping all your kitties are doing well
> today...Thank you all for your support..
>   Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
> ---------------------------------
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