My condolences to you, and your mom and stepdad on the loss of  little Tigger.  :(
I haven't noticed you around as much lately.  How are you doing yourself?

Barb Moermond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all, it's been a rough week all over it seems.  This morning, my mom and stepdad had their kitty Tigger put to sleep.  She was nearly 17 and had been with them since early-mid kittenhood.  One night during a snowstorm, my stepdad had just closed the shop and was standing at the truck door when a little rub was felt on his ankle and tiny squeaking was heard.  This little white and buff kitten with very noticeable injuries was at his feet.  Naturally, he scooped her up and brought her home.  They called her Fart for quite a while - any of you who have rescued mal- and/or under-nourished kits know this well:)  She was a very pretty kitty, small head and delicate facial features, tiny feet, looooong legs:)  sort of built like a race horse.   She was an excellent hunter and lap-warmer.  But those injuries had long-term effects.  The soft tissue of her right wrist had completely worn out due to her limping from the old injury on her left shoulder/leg.  She was flat footed on that paw.  She also developed spinal arthritis, as another kitty of my mom's had.  With that, it's only a matter of time before the nerves just don't work in the hind quarters.  Mom had tremendous guilt about old Samantha; she'd waited far too long to help her.  Tigger hadn't progressed nearly as far as Sam had, but she was declining rapidly.  She wasn't playing on her own anymore, and she'd previously spent hours amusing herself with string tied to the back of a rocking chair.  She was allowing Bozo to groom her for longer and longer sessions which was simply unheard of - Bozo was an interloper, no matter how many mice he caught for her!  She also didn't know whether or not she'd made it to the box - messes in the vicinity etc.  But what was far more worrying is that when she did make it to the box and stepped in a clump, she couldn't feel the debris on her foot - which of course dried on like cement - and therefore wasn't grooming her feet.  The deafness she'd developed and the weakening eyesight weren't important, but when they lose their grooming and their playing....  Tigger had an amazing run of years considering the start she had and fortunately, my mom will have no serious second-guessing about doing it too soon (the vet agreed with the decision, which helped) or guilt about doing it too late and making Tigger suffer unnecessarily (like with Sam).  It's the hardest decision we have to make, but the grief is worth it - all the moments of joy and love far outweigh the pain of losing a friend.. eventually anyway.

  So Belinda, if you could please add to the FeLV- list, Tigger, loved by Maggie and Dale.  It was this morning, March 4.

As always, I'm so glad I know all of you:)  you bring joy and understanding and compassion to the world.

Bandit says mmmmrrrrrrrrrppppppp to everyone

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous
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