I don't think that not eating affects PCV much.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 6:42:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It sounds like if he would just eat, then his PCV and protein would improve.  Even though 22 is lower than he was, at least it's still a decent number.  I guess I'm just saying, I personally don't think he is anywhere near being ready to cross yet.  He just needs help, and that is presenting to be tricky at the moment.  I wish I knew something to help you, but I don't, but still, personally, I think keep on trying, don't give up yet.  My Spaz was almost gone thrice, but we made it.  It seems strange to me that he would have a fever but normal WBC, unless his personal count is usually lower, so this is actually high for him, but still technically within the "normal" range.  All I can tell you is that Spaz, when in the hospital for her URI, had a temp that would go up and down for about 8 days, and then finally was able to keep it down.  I wish you the best for Bandy!

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