I love the site!  When I ever get around to decorating my house I will definitely be back to look again!  I love the cast iron (or whatever they're called) cats in the garden section!
I hope you all had a wonderful celebration for your mother.  I think of her often.

Janine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a website my mother, Brenda Smith and I created.  We feature artists that do cat or dog art.  If you would like, email me some pictures and I will see if it fits on our site.  In the meantime you could look at the site and see if you would be interested www.whiskersandwicks.com 
BTW, we will be celebrating Brenda K. Smith's life this Saturday at 6 p.m. here in Herbster, Wi.  For all of you who knew and loved her, I knew you would like to know.  Maybe make a toast that evening, and think of her loving all of our beloved kitties that have gone to the bridge. 
No need for all to respond, I will just know you will be thinking of her and us.  Love Janine

On Wed Jun 21 22:35 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

If I decide to do this -- I'll call you to be my manager! :0)  Phelix, the alpha male of my house, was born with only one eye...and he is large and in charge.  I keep wanting to do some children's books about 'Phelix the one-eyed wonder kitty'...I suppose the underlying theme being that just because someone looks or seems different - they are still very neat and special with their own talents.  Another children's book might be the story of Redoute Robin...that I documented a few years ago:
ok - way too much about me...what do you guys do besides be incredible kitty parents?
In a message dated 6/21/2006 7:32:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Oh my dear, you have a calling.  I can see why you'd be reluctant to give up your daytime job if it pays the rent well, but I can't help feel that you should be working full time on your art!  I'm itching to help you promote it.  It might not ever be as lucrative, (then again, who knows?), but the benefits to you and the rest of our sometimes dreary world might just be worth it.  I think everyone should do their best to incorporate their passion into their livelihood, if they did, the world would be a kinder place.  Have you ever thought of framing them and offering them for sale?  You could display the originals and then sell prints.  Is your vet an upscale sort of place?  Maybe you could start by putting some in local restaurants and/or your vet's office.  You could sell them at charitable events/auctions...  Hmm...  let me think about this!
If I could do anything I wanted to for a living - I would do cat portraits.  Sadly though - I live alone with 8 cats so I'm the only one paying the bills (plus, the kitties like to surf the web and use my credit cards when they aren't sneaking the car out to go joy riding).  I have to have a sense of stability and security...so I am biding my time in a high pressure position that requires absolutely nothing artistic or creative and makes me wish I had a valium IV.

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