when she was disgnosed about 6 months ago i prescribed to your list and she seemed to be doing we got much information to make living with he felv better.

my 9 yr. old Felv kitten is very ill...we had a very stressful appointment and will never go back to that vet again, even though he came highly recommended. he manhandled her and she never really seemed the same after that.
i researched my options and also lurked here to get infor regarding minnie's maintenance. .. she receives a wonderful fresh diet now and also a number of suppliments y'all have been so sweet to recommend. she seemed to be maintaining until about 2-3 weeks ago.... then i noticed she had not been defecating for a few days... and a mass in her abdomen. it was last weekend that i rushed her to our animal emergency clinic. i had a sneaking feeling that she might be impacted.
the doctors seemed very capable and very caring. they found her to be slightly dehydrated and a high fever... they stabilized her with IV meds, gave her two enemas on saturday then took some radiograms... they did not see anything that seemed like a tumor. the doc stuck a syringe into the area and drew out fluid which showed she had a bad infection, probably an abcess.
they sedated her and sure neough there was an abcess. they placed two drains in her abdomen, and i got to bring her home, with orders to give her claamox for a week and return to have the tubes removed. she seemed to be doing better until mid week when i noticed no bowel movement ( or at least i didn't see where she had produced), and she wasn't as perky. took her back friday, they removed the tubes. her appetite was good (gave her pumpkin which she readily ate with her meal) over the weekend and the first part of the week. she has not had a bowel movement but still is leaking some of the pus from her anus. i am going to take her into another vet tomorrow, if i can sneak her in.
any ideas/obsevations? i am so afraid this is it....

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