Have you tried Metoclopramide Syrup?  It's suppose to ease stomach contractions and it really helped Gypsy the few times I gave it to her.  I'll send you the turkey mush recipe off-list.  I'm so sorry about your concerns for Lucy and her not feeling well.  I'm still praying you are wrong and it's not lymphoma.  Give your Mom a kiss from me for convincing you to let Lucy out to play.  Make each day as special as you can for her,
Lots of love,

I actually got Red Bank hospital, the best in the state, to schedule me an appointment with an internist at the earliest date, but that is Thursday afternoon-- a long way away. I did try to talk the regular vet into just trying the Leukeran, but he wouldn't, and Lucy wasn't as bad yesterday anyway, and really I am not a vet, so maybe there would be a downside to doing that. it is a chemotherapy drug after all. i think you are supposed to wear gloves when administering it.
I resorted to baby food and dry i/d, and after a pepcid and some fluids she did eat 1.5 jars of baby food and a handful of the i/d tonight.  It will wreak havoc on her intestines, but I don't know what else to do. I tried minced turkey breast plain and she would not touch it. My mom bought duck and I cut some of that up. She seemed all excited at first but only ate two bites of it. 
I think she is acting less of her usual self now. She is still playing, but not very enthusiastically.  She is purring, though, and wanted to go outside. Though she ate a whole lot of grass when she did (which also wreaks havoc on her intestines).  I found some bile vomit with grass in it in a few places in the house, but Patches often eats grass and throws up, so I am not sure it was Lucy (and if it was her, not sure if it is just because she ate grass or from the underlying condition).
Lymphoma is in the front of my mind, not the back. I feel convinced she has it.  She lost another 2 ounces today.
I upped her prednisooe to the amount they prescribe for severe IBD and for small cell lymphoma, will keep giving her pepcid and fluids, and will keep trying to feed her, until Thursday. I will fast her Thursday morning in case they want to do the biopsy and I agree.
I had decided not to let her outside at all, because she eats grass when I do and I find it all in her diarrhea and think it may be irritating her intestines. But my mom convinced me to let her out because she loves it so much, and in truth she ate more afterwards, maybe because the grass settled her stomach.  My friend's cat who has lymphoma started eating a lot of grass when he got sick, so this also has me worried.  I am pretty miserable. Not sure what else I can do, though.
Can you send me the turkey mush recipe? I will try it.

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