I think that one of the websites my mom sent me mentioned silica being bad also.  I can see if I can find it. You can probably find info on it by doing a search on cat litter and silica.
In a message dated 7/4/2006 4:57:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I use clumping litter, so I appreciate your posting this to the list.  The brand of clumping litter I get at Costco is LitterPurrfect.  It doesn't contain sodium bentonite, but it does have silica gel.  Do you know if this is dangerous as well?  The box still warns against flushing the litter, so it makes me wonder.  It says it's 99% dust free, so that should help with the inhalant risks.  I did a quick search and this is what I found on the Arm & Hammer website about their litter, (couldn't find a website for LitterPurrfect).  I'm always skeptical of any manufacturer's claims of safety etc.  What do you think?

> The silica gel beads used in "crystal" cat litters have an amorphous structure and pose no health hazard to the consumer (both the cat and its owner). Silica gel used for cat litters is chemically similar to silica gels used as desiccants (humidity absorbents found in bags, purses, etc.) but are structurally different, designed to remain intact in the presence of liquids (desiccant silica gels fracture in the presence of liquids). Silica gel crystals used for cat litter absorb cat urine into its internal pore structure, then allows the water to slowly evaporate.

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