Sweet little girl. I'm so glad you found each other. Don't you just wish we could coo and stroke their anxieties away? So I take it that you haven't found any cause for concern with ongoing dosing? You've got me thinking... My main man cat, Instigator, has been anxious and concerned about Spencer's arrival at the house. Spence is socially retarded and just doesn't have any cat etiquette. I really think he's just trying to initiate play with Instigator, but Insty is having none of it, has stopped socializing altogether and is constantly looking over his shoulder. I'm going to try the fe first, but may give him a .5 Chlor tab as well. Hell, how about a round for all of us!


Nina, Patches actually doesn't itch. It's anxiety, a compulsive habit, rather than due to itching. The benadryl is given in a very small dose, transdermally in her ears, as an anti-anxiety drug rather than as an antihistimine. She sometimes licks anyway (I haven't seen her do it in a long time, but looking at her right now I see that the hair on her belly is shorter than elsewhere), but it makes a huge difference. Her anxiety predates Lucy-- she was anxious when she came to me. She had a huge scar on her cheek (now covered with fur), some broken teeth, and other signs of having been attacked or abused. She used to attack me whenever I made a loud noise like yelling at Simon when he did something particularly naughty. The benadryl calms her in general, though she does not seem tranquilized or anything. Has actually started playing recently, for the first time. Poor baby. She had a bad childhood on the street. But a little benadryl has worked better for her than 30 years of therapy does for some humans! :) Michelle

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