
Thanks for writing.  As you can imagine, I'm feeling
horribly guilty about this cat.  My vet has asked me
to help a few cats in the past (mostly from clients
who didn't want to deal with a positive kitty) but
this one is her cat and she has done so much for my
babies that I feel I owe her one.  I feel like I'll be
letting her down if I can't find a home for this one
after placing all the others.  I can't help but hope
that there is a home for this one, especially since I
think I have her sister and brother as part of my
crew.  As far as justifying me not taking this one, I
feel awful asking others to make room when I'm sure
most of us are in the same spot, different situations
perhaps, but overall just as full.  I have never
turned down taking one but I feel my Dane deserves to
live out his remaining weeks or months in peace
without introducing another cat and stirring up the
mix.  He's in rough shape and I'd never forgive myself
if he broke his leg trying to play with a new house
guest.  God knows he loves his kitty companions.  

I have been trying to research sanctuaries as well but
with not a lot of luck.  I'm hoping somebody will have
some places I might try.

Thanks again

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Honey,
> Gosh girl, you sure do have a lot on your plate. 
> Thank you so much for 
> doing your best to help this kitty.  I remember you
> posting about her 
> before, and I can hear how desperate you are to save
> her.  First of all, 
> if you aren't able to find her a placement, do your
> best to not burden 
> yourself with guilt over her fate.  I know how sad
> it is, I know what a 
> helpless feeling it is when we do our best and still
> can't help, but you 
> are not responsible for the sad state of affairs in
> this world.  You are 
> one of the good guys with an open heart and I hate
> to think of you 
> suffering over things that you can't change.  Where
> is this cat located 
> again?  Kerry was talking about a new sanctuary
> opening up in Chicago 
> that will be taking in felv kitties.  I don't know
> if they are up and 
> running yet, but if they are just starting out, they
> may have some 
> room.  Someone on the list might be able to tell you
> about other 
> sanctuaries that might take her.  Have you talked to
> Tad yet?   (Sorry 
> Tad, I just couldn't help myself). 
> Prayers for being able to save your Great Dane's leg
> and a quick 
> recovery.  Love and blessings to your fur family and
> that lucky child 
> you're carrying,
> Nina
> Amy Wilkins wrote:
> >I'm writing as a follow up to an e-mail I sent the
> >other day about a cat in Rochester, NY that needs a
> >new home.  As I mentioned, I have a dog with bone
> >cancer and we went to see the vet today.  She again
> >asked what the chances are that I'll be able to
> find a
> >home for this cat in the next week or so.  She has
> >bought a new house and will be moving in with a
> friend
> >that has healthy cats and is not ok with a positive
> >kitty coming into the home.  This cat has been
> living
> >at her parent's farm but she knows she can get her
> if
> >I find a home.  As a vet, she can't just leave this
> >cat at the farm to fend for itself (nor would I
> want
> >her to) so the only option is for me to find a home
> >for the cat or for her to euthanize it.  She is
> heart
> >broken and I'm still hopeful that I can find a home
> >for this cat.  Does anybody have an opening or know
> >anybody that could take this cat?  She will take
> care
> >of all the vet care prior to sending the cat to
> make
> >sure she is as healthy as can be.  We will also
> take
> >care of arranging transportation. 
> >
> >If it was any other time in my life I would take
> her,
> >but my dog is very ill and I'm expecting a baby in
> 8
> >weeks.  I'm out of work because I'm violently sick
> and
> >have been for 32 weeks.  My cats just cost me $700
> >last week and I have another appointment for the
> other
> >ones in August which will run me another $500-$600.
> >My dog has cost me over $2000 this month and will
> cost
> >me between $2000 and $10,000 depending if we decide
> to
> >amputate his leg.  I just can't swing adding
> another
> >pet with a baby on the way and the loss of one of
> our
> >incomes not to mention that we are just trying to
> >minimize change and keep our Great Dane calm so he
> >doesn't injure the leg with the bone cancer.  I
> know
> >everybody is full but I promised my vet I would
> make
> >another plea for help.  I have tried everywhere I
> >could think of locally.  Does anybody have any
> >suggestions??
> >
> >Thanks
> >Amy    
> >
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