
Thanks for the advice.  I've been having to read all
e-mail out of my bulk folder as well so I know what
you mean about people missing the posts.  


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Amy,
>   I have no help to offer.  I'm sorry for all you're
> going through though.  And don't ever feel like you
> have to justify yourself as to not taking in another
> cat.  Most of the people on this list are in rescue
> and we know how it is.  You have to try very hard to
> not feel guilty about this. You have a lot on your
> plate.
>   I just want to add that I notice you have a yahoo
> email addy.  Yahoo has been sending a TON of emails
> from the felv list to my bulk mail and I have been
> unknowingly deleted them.   I went into bulk
> yesterday and marked felv list messages as NOT SPAM,
> but today your message was in bulk along with some I
> had sent to the list myself!
>   So make sure your post shows up on the list and
> hopefully someone can help this cat.
>   Take care,
>   tonya
> Amy Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I'm writing as a follow up to an e-mail I sent the
> other day about a cat in Rochester, NY that needs a
> new home. As I mentioned, I have a dog with bone
> cancer and we went to see the vet today. She again
> asked what the chances are that I'll be able to find
> a
> home for this cat in the next week or so. She has
> bought a new house and will be moving in with a
> friend
> that has healthy cats and is not ok with a positive
> kitty coming into the home. This cat has been living
> at her parent's farm but she knows she can get her
> if
> I find a home. As a vet, she can't just leave this
> cat at the farm to fend for itself (nor would I want
> her to) so the only option is for me to find a home
> for the cat or for her to euthanize it. She is heart
> broken and I'm still hopeful that I can find a home
> for this cat. Does anybody have an opening or know
> anybody that could take this cat? She will take care
> of all the vet care prior to sending the cat to make
> sure she is as healthy as can be. We will also take
> care of arranging transportation. 
> If it was any other time in my life I would take
> her,
> but my dog is very ill and I'm expecting a baby in 8
> weeks. I'm out of work because I'm violently sick
> and
> have been for 32 weeks. My cats just cost me $700
> last week and I have another appointment for the
> other
> ones in August which will run me another $500-$600. 
> My dog has cost me over $2000 this month and will
> cost
> me between $2000 and $10,000 depending if we decide
> to
> amputate his leg. I just can't swing adding another
> pet with a baby on the way and the loss of one of
> our
> incomes not to mention that we are just trying to
> minimize change and keep our Great Dane calm so he
> doesn't injure the leg with the bone cancer. I know
> everybody is full but I promised my vet I would make
> another plea for help. I have tried everywhere I
> could think of locally. Does anybody have any
> suggestions??
> Thanks
> Amy 
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