Hi Amy and Nina
  I have been reading all this...
Would this vet be one of the ones CJ is named after ???

I guess I broke my mold and adopted a double pos. a short while ago
and she seems as healthy as a horse and doing fine with my indoor
colony of now 11...  She had a little trouble with others getting too close
especially at feeding time but now is pretty well adjusted...
She looks like she could be Switters twin...

If I were to take this cat do you think she would adjust easily to the crowd
here??? And I guess you have had her long enough so we can be fairly
sure she wouldn't bring anything else here that could be disastrous to my
cats here....
Let me know what you think..

Nina wrote:

Does this kitty have a name? I know you will do everything you can to save her. I can't seem to come up with any suggestions that I'm sure you haven't thought about already. Your subject line says she's felv and fiv pos, is that right? I'll meditate on it and let you know if I come up with anything. You and she are in my prayers,

Amy Wilkins wrote:

Nina, Thanks for writing. As you can imagine, I'm feeling horribly guilty about this cat.

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