I had a few questions regarding my Smokey. I am taking
him to the vet tomorrow to be retested for feline
leukemia. He hasn't been tested since February. I have
read about some of the different types of test. Which
test is the best? He hasn't had a complete blood count
done since March. Should I have another one done on
him? He seems to be doing good right now. He is eating
good and he is playing. I haven't been able to read
alot of the post on the list lately because work has
been very very hectic.  My boss had a heart attack so
it has been very busy with him out.  He is doing
better now.  To all of you that have lost your babies
I am so sorry. All of you were so kind to me when my
Stinky passed away and gave me great info. when Smokey
tested positive. You all gave me hope that just
because a cat test positive for feline leukemia it
isn't an immediate death sentence like many vets tell
you. Thank you.


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