Someone from my Internist's office just called back, (not a vet).  The message was to keep him on the dex and to make an appointment for further testing to confirm lymphoma.  Probably they will try to capture some fluid, perhaps an ultrasound to confirm the existence of a mass.  I made the first available appointment, (tomorrow afternoon), but asked to be given a call back before that with what exactly they intend to do, if they are reasonably sure that these will be the last of the tests to be preformed, and what, if it is lymphoma, the next move would be.

I just wrote to Tad about the "what if" syndrome.  The whole time I've been dealing with Spencer's illness, I've been thinking about those "what ifs" I mentioned about Jazz.  Their xrays looked so similar, I can't help but feeling that I've been given an opportunity to do more for Spence than I did for Jazz.  I just pray I don't give myself a whole new set of regrets.  I know that's a really pessimistic thought and I'm sorry to be such a bummer.  I need a rest and a very rich Uncle.

I have to take a shower and perk up now.  I have a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky waiting on me today to make their lives better.

Nina, I woke up this morning thinking how ironic it is that the internist does not want to try chemo without a definitive diagnosis but wanted to pts without one. If it is cancer it is lymphoma, given where it is and how it responds to steroids. If she thinks it could be something other than cancer, then why did she want to pts without further diagnostic tests first?  There is something really wrong with that picture.  I don't think it's just here, I think it's lots of vets.  They find it more ok to pts than to treat in any way that is not completely by the book.

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