Michelle brings up a good point that I have been wondering about lately.  My boyfriend has gone through two FeLV+ losses with me.  We do not live together and these are definitely MY cats, but he is supportive and comforting and mourns himself when the time has come to say goodbye.  However, after the kitten, Azrael, passed (I had her for four days and many tears, and vet bills) and I was debating getting Beatrix, I could tell that his ability to empathize was waning.  We have "discussions" about the sanity of adopting leukemia positive cats versus maintaining his 1979 Corvette.  In my opinion, one of those things is ridiculous and the other worthy.  He has the same opinion, but I suppose you can guess that what we select for each category is not the same.
Anyway, our bottom line is that if I want to, it's my decision and he will support me, but it is hard to not have enthusiastic support.  I was wondering what the other people in your life feel about the positive cats in their homes.  As Nina's husband can attest, just because you may not have been the one to open your doors to them, doesn't mean that you won't have to personally adjust to the consequences thereof - and to be fair, those consequences can just as easily be good.
Speaking of Nina, how is Spencer?  I hope that your silence is not indicative of anything.

Subject: Re: Minnion has gone to the Bridge

I am so sorry.  As someone who has watched 4 positive cats die, I  think that
adopting multiple positives is a really hard thing to do.  My  partner has
made me promise I will not do it anymore. So I understand your  decision
regarding your son.

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