My mom asked me the same thing just now-- why I force fed her baby food rather than blending up her normal turkey diet. I have no idea. I just did not think of it.  I will definitely do that from now on.  Thanks.
flagyl actually seems to really help her get over IBD flare-ups. I just learned that a couple of months ago. It helps more than anything else, it seems, even more than raising the pred dosage.  But right now I think I will focus on her fever/URI. She is on clavamox for that, and hopefully will get I-R tomorrow (is that what you meant when you said IM?).  I will go from there.
She walked around and rubbed and purred for a bit after fluids, but now is sleeping in an odd position. Poor baby, she is pretty knocked out by this. Her nose is bubbling now, though, so I do think it's a URI.
In a message dated 10/24/2006 12:19:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm just catching up with your posts about Lucy.  I was feeling a little better until I got to this one.  Your sweet Lucy is such a delicate flower.  I hate to think of forcing more medications on her and I've got it in my head from somewhere that flagil is an esp harsh med.  Is there any way to assist feed her her regular diet?  What do you have her on now?  Could you blend whatever it is up enough and mix it with water so you could syringe her?  I'm betting she's got diarrhea from the whatever is making her feel lousy, the stress of the vet visit and the change in diet.  I think I'd hold off on any more meds until you see how she responds to the IM.  Trying to keep her stools normal is probably not as important as keeping her system as strong as it can be to battle whatever is causing the fever.

You know I feel for you.  This just sucks.  Many prayers for you and Lucy,

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