OK:  Again, this is my opinion.  I would not want to be tube feed if all it was going to do was extend my life a little.  This has nothing to do with money but with quality of life.  I can tell you that I could and would have afforded anything for the Royal Princess Kitty Katt but she was very plainly against a lot of intervention.  She told 6 ACs I know the same thing she told me.  Let me be.  No more vets.  No more car rides.  NO MORE!!!!!!!
Her case involved cancer and I am sure liver failure and other failures that accompany it.  If it were me, I would want to be kept as pain free as possible--not discomfort free but pain free.  And I would want to leave this world in my own home and, if I could possibly do it, under my own power.  I have had animals do it both ways and both are awful for the people involved.  Let Dukee enjoy his time with his friends, both 2 legged and 4-legged.  Keep him comfortable.  If he wants to be alone, let him.  If he wants company, give it to him.  But do not force things on him that will prolong but not fix.  Again, this is my opinion.  It follows conversations with my father in choosing what would and would not be done for him----why make me miserable for 5 months so I can live six months?   You must follow your heart.   God bless you and your whole family and lead you to the right decisions.
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 6:15 PM
Subject: UPDATE:Dukee's Vet Appt

Okay all.... here is the news!
Just got home awhile ago....yes I do have him home.
At least now we have something to go on but not much better.
He has Liver failure and very jaundice.
This Vet did a thorough work-up on him.
She said at this point because of his color she didn't need to take blood from him the fact that he is anemic. He has a fever of 101 which means it's down from 103.8
He has lost more weight. He was 8 pounds and now is 7.4 pounds.
She also said he has lost all of his muscle mass.
She did say that he did need to be fed by a tube. Since force feeding will not work because it may make him sick.
She said there aren't any guarantees that this would work on feeding him through the tube because of the liver damage. The fact is he has fat on it.
There was an ultra-sound done it showed his liver damage.
I would do this in a heart beat if I could afford it just give him a chance.
We don't have any credit cards. We just don't have the funds to help him this little guy. Time is very critical here.
So he will remain here and live his time out for however time he has left.
When I see the pain and the horrible cry he will be taken in A.S.A.P.
So we don't know how long he has...will try to make him comfortable.
I have included the estimate of what it would cost through her.
Would this be the norm?
Esophagostomy Tube Placement   $101.40
Surgical Materials                              $ 10.20
Geriatric Feline-No Felv/Fiv 59      $101.70
10x12 Additional Views                    $46.10
Bandaging-Small                               $17.10
Gas Anesthesia-Mask Induction    $97.05
Penicillin G-Procaine Injection 1mL    $35.58
Amoxi-Drops 50 mg/ml 30 ml        $26.25
Flagyl/Metronidazole 250mg Tab  $13.51
Hi-Vite Drops 1 ounce                       $15.34
Euk Maximum Calorie K9/Fe Can    $ 8.34
SQ Fluids/Liter For Hosp Admin      $41.75
Hospitalization Part Day                  $29.50
                                        Tax      $ 5.98
                APPROXIMATE    Total    $564.32

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