If there were no documented cases of a vaccinated felv- contracting it from a positive, then wouldn't the vaccine be marketed as 100% effective, instead of 85% or so?  I agree that many of the apparent vaccine failures could be due to "false negative" tests, but IMHO, until the testing gets more reliable and we know more about the disease, I don't think we should tell people their vaccinated cats are at absolutely no risk.  We may suspect that from our own experiences, and we can relate those experiences to them, but we really don't know for sure.  In my case, I did eventually decide the benefits of mixing vaccinated positives way outweighed the potential risks.
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as far as i know, there are no documented cases of VACCINATED negative cats contracting FeLV from living closely with positives--so if you have a positive kitty that you want to mingle, you have to weigh the pros and cons of vaccinating your other cats.
ie, yeah, what tonya said!

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