With it being a long weekend I probably can't get back in to see the vet
until Tuesday. They did say they would refill his antibiotic. I am hoping
they are open today so I can do that. I still have the gentmycin drops and
am giving him those. He did have an ulcerated cornea is the other eye which
I assume is why he did not get the steroid drops for that eye. It has mostly
cleared up but now his good eye is infected. 

He would be blind if he lost site in this eye.  He is not eating well. Maybe
he misses Tiny. They did not get along but he still might be missing him.


I don't know how you do it. This is very draining emotionally and
financially. I can't get the best care because I cannot afford it. 


I went back to the archives and I will print Bandy's treatment for the vet
to see. I have an appt for his immunoregulin shot on Friday. Hopefully I can
talk with Dr Staunton then. 


Sally Davis


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry Roach
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:01 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Sorry


I am probably getting in on the tail end of this, but I did see anterior
uveitis mentioned..

Bandy had this..If you will go check, the treatment that Bandy did
worked...I talked to his eye specialist as recent as last Fri. as Bandy was
to get check-up for eyes 1st of Jan..His spec was very pleased with his

Back when I first took him...they did a toxo test...sent it off to Univ. of
Colo..instead of Texas A and M..to check for that..Bandy was negative on
that so we continued on with the treatment and it worked...

We did frequently check for ulcers on the eye surface as the steroids will
irritate that alot and you can't use them while an ulcer is present...

I tell you one thing though...Bandy regained his sight after treatment was
started.  He would have remained on those drops the rest of his life anyway,
but we went from 4 drops per eye a day to 1 drop every 3 or 4 days...A
remarkable improvement...

Please check the archives for Bandy's treatment and I hope this will help..

you must have regular glaucoma check ups though for rest of pets life..as
the steroids can cause this with long term use...

Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

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