we do have a fund.... not sure of the balance in it just now. It's saved me
in the past. Belinda would be the one to contact I think...

And don't forget that signature you see below my name, it WORKS. Put a
signature line in your emails that tells his story and asks for help. You
never know where it will come from! There's also Care Credit, and other help
groups. You can find those at this page (below the VT low cost clinic info):

Just so you guys know, Whitey is doing good, and I paid off the balance of
his vet bill yesterday! It was $300 and something total. But he's all better
now! Thanks again to Kayte and Lance for their generous donations for his
care, without you guys he would still be outside in the cold!

Oh, and Tang may have an adoptive home. I'm in touch with someone that is
interested in him. We are in the process of arranging a home visit and for
her to meet him now. So Yay! If Tang gets adopted I would have ROOM for
Whitey to stay as long as needed to find a home!


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
12/24/06 Whitey Pictures: http://ucat.us/Whitey/WhiteyNewPics.html
Whitey Models on Ebay:

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