Ha! What a relief! You're such a good kitty mom do be so diligent. I hope you stick around too. Thank you for letting us know the answer to the mystery. I'm so glad to hear it isn't coming from Midnight. He sounds like such a doll, and so do you.

Jennifer Madon wrote:

Great news! I am a little embarrassed to admit this but, I found the source of the pink puddle! I was washing dished last night and felt my sock get wet. I looked down and found a pink puddle but no midnight. A rink broke off of my sink and it is leaking. Somewhere between the leak and my floor, it is coming in contact with something that tinges it pink. I am so relieved. I don't regret asking because I learned a lot of great things. Thanks to everyone and I hope to be able to stick around. Maybe one day I will even be able to help answer questions!
Thanks again,

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