Good morning, how's is everything going for you and Mylo today.
They put Toby in the hospital yesterday for blood work,iv fluids and pain meds. 
Blood work came out fine. They are going to an ultra sound today. 

Toby was originally being treated for a bladder infection and then he got 
blocked up in his ingestions and had to have surgery back on the 16th of Jan. 
He does real good, comes home and it seems like every Sunday he starts going 
down hill. Quits eating and drinking and not using his litter box. We don't 
know if he is still healing from the surgery or what is going on. This is the 
third time in the hospital for him. And today they will take his staples out....

I will know more later today after I get off work....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Ramzy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: Chris and Mylo

> Hi Anna,
> I'm so sorry to hear about Toby. I just keep saying to myself that I don't 
> want Mylo to suffer and to live the way he has been living in the past month 
> or so. Every time I look at him my heart sinks. He rests his little head on 
> his paws and he looks up at me and tries not to move any other part of his 
> body.
> What happened at the vet today?
>>From: "Anna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: Re: Chris and Mylo
>>Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:31:57 -0700
>>I feel your pain..........We have an appointment this afternoon for Toby. I 
>>do not think he will be coming home. He hasn't taken food since 
>>Saturday......Has not pottied in the litter box. This is the 3rd crash he 
>>has had in a month. Very lethargic and his tummy is having spasms. At least 
>>they will be out of misery..........
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Ramzy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 3:24 PM
>>Subject: Re: Chris and Mylo
>>>Mylo has not been eating the last couple of days. He is very lethargic. He 
>>>is very sick beyond recovery. I have made an appointment for tomorrow to 
>>>have Mylo put down. He is not happy and it hurts me to see him like that. 
>>>I have taken tomorrow off work to spend the day with him and then go to 
>>>the appt. at 5:30. I've struggled with this decision back and forth but I 
>>>believe this is the best thing for Mylo. :(
>>>>From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>Subject: Re: Chris and Mylo
>>>>Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:04:00 -0800
>>>>I too am so sorry to hear the news about Mylo.  It's the hardest decision 
>>>>we have to make when we think their suffering warrants it.  If we believe 
>>>>that their suffering outweighs any pleasure they have left, when we are 
>>>>unselfish enough to consider their quality of life over our desperately 
>>>>wanting them to stay, when we have lost hope of them being able to 
>>>>recover, then it is an unselfish gift of love to help them cross.
>>>>If you're not quite there yet, (you didn't make it clear in your post), 
>>>>please ask the specialist vet about dexamethisone injections.  They are 
>>>>administered subq (under the skin), and your vet can show you how to do 
>>>>them at home.  When my Spencer was failing from what we believe was 
>>>>lymphoma, I gave him .4ccs of dex daily and he bounced back to almost his 
>>>>former self.  It gave us another full month of very good quality of life, 
>>>>another month to share and love and enjoy.
>>>>Again, I'm so sorry.  You and Mylo are in my prayers and thoughts,
>>>>MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:
>>>>>I'm so very sorry to hear the diagnosis for Mylo. (I'm glad you had an 
>>>>>understanding, nice, educated doctor---astonishingly that is not always 
>>>>>the case----it helps a LOT, when you and your beloved kitty are going 
>>>>>through a traumatic time). Did the doctor talk about giving Mylo 
>>>>>sub-cutaneous fluids (aka sub-Qs) for his dehydration? If you don't know 
>>>>>about giving sub-Qs, it's something that is easily learned and that you 
>>>>>would be able to do for him yourself at home to keep him hydrated and 
>>>>>comfortable at least in that respect. (When I did it every other day for 
>>>>>my foster Pookie, it actually bonded us more.)  My housecall vet offered 
>>>>>to show me, and sold me a bag of fluid and needles to start me off, and 
>>>>>I imagine most vets would be willing to do the same (or have one of 
>>>>>their staff show you). Many people on the list are able to give sub-Qs. 
>>>>>The fluids and needles can be bought online at competitive prices. love 
>>>>>and hugs to you and Mylo,
>>>>>Kerry M
>>>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>>>>*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *elizabeth 
>>>>>*Sent:* Sunday, January 28, 2007 10:11 PM
>>>>>*Subject:* Re: Chris and Mylo
>>>>>Oh Chris...this is so hard.  I am so sorry the prognosis was not better. 
>>>>>You can let him know that you love him and comfort him.  I know it is so 
>>>>>hard to talk about - but there comes a time when the kindest gift you 
>>>>>can give is freedom from pain and suffering.  You will know if that time 
>>>>>comes.  Every day is so precious.  My heart is with you.
>>>>>  elizabeth
>>>>>  On 1/28/07, *Chris Ramzy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>>><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>     Mylo went to the specialist yesterday. The doctor was very nice
>>>>>     and seemed
>>>>>     very educated on FeLV. He said that Mylo's kidney's are very
>>>>>     inflamed, and
>>>>>     that he believe's that Mylo has lymphoma and possibly liver
>>>>>     disease. This
>>>>>     diagnosis didn't surprise me as I know lymphoma can accompany
>>>>>     FeLV. Mylo is
>>>>>     dehydrated even though I give him water throughout the day. He's
>>>>>     just not
>>>>>     drinking enough on his own. So the vet said Mylo would have to be
>>>>>     hospitalized, have a blood transfusion, be put on meds and have
>>>>>     chemotherapy. He said that even if I did all those things, Mylo
>>>>>     would most
>>>>>     likely only have 4 to 5 months to live. I am glad I went to the
>>>>>     appointment
>>>>>     because I wanted a specialist's opinion even though I know how bad
>>>>>     off Mylo
>>>>>     is. Mylo has hardly eaten the last couple of days. His energy is
>>>>>     still very
>>>>>     low, and the sick meow sound that he makes once and a while is
>>>>>     very painful
>>>>>     to hear. Mylo's quality of life has deteriorated within the last
>>>>>     month and I
>>>>>     don't want to put him through any more stress than he's already 
>>>>>     through. I tried my best to find a way to help him get better but
>>>>>     I have to
>>>>>     accept that there is nothing more I can do to help him become
>>>>>     healthy again.
>>>>>     That is a difficult thing.
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