hi maggie

So sorry to hear about Lucy. Having lost 4 babies last year I can relate. I
will be praying for Izzie to stay negative.



 I haven't been on the list for several months but I wanted to let you
know that I lost Lucy on Tuesday morning. It was quick and she didn't seem
to suffer. She was cuddled up in my arms and we were sitting on the sofa.
She was only sick for a few days and the no one thought she was close to

Lucy was a sweetheart, she loved to be held and to curl up in my lap. She
loved her sister Izzie and they played and slept together. She was just a
little over a year old.

Izzie originally tested negative, then positive, and then negative. So I'm
going to wait a month and have Izzie retested. Please pray for us that she
stays negative. I honestly don't know how I could go through this again.

Izzie has been seeking a lot of affection and sometimes wanders around
meowing and looking. If anyone has any advice how to make this easier for
her I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for all of your support and wisdom,

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

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