I don't know what your situation is specifically Steph, but don't convince yourself that things can't turn around quickly. Certainly, do what you have to do, but please stop telling yourself and others that it's going to take years to be financially stable. What harm can it cause to imagine that something that you do, or some circumstance that you can't foresee will present itself sooner than you think? I know that it sounds trite to hear, "think positively", but something about expecting miracles keeps us open to the possibility, and more importantly, it can enable us to spot the opportunities we might miss if our heads are hanging too low to see them when they present themselves. Blessings,

Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:

Thank you Nina.

I'll try posting him as a foster. Part of the scary thing for me is money is so tight that I can't afford to treat a major illness. I can't get sick and my animals can't get sick or hurt.

The horse won't be affordable for a few years, so sadly he's for sale.

Thanks guys... I appreciate it!

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