Sending positive thoughts for Mama Kitty, hope the
4:00 appointment goes well.


On 3/20/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm worried about Mama Kitty this morning.

She was diagnosed almost a year ago - and rebounded very well with
Acemannan.  She's had a wonderful year, is at a healthy weight, and had
practically reverted to kittenhood!

I noticed last night though that she didn't seem to be eating.  This
morning she just seemed very lethargic to me - almost like a rag doll in my
arms.  When I let her outside - she went straight to some red clay dirt
I recently dug and was eating that.  Seems like I read here on the list that
this is called 'Pica'.  My first thought was that red clay contains a lot of
iron and so perhaps she was trying to get a nutrient she needed.  She ate
some grass too.  She really started to stress when I tried to look at her
gums and so I didn't push it.  I suspect she may be beginning to get anemic
though...I just have a feeling.

Last time she crashed (when she was first diagnosed) - that nictating
membrane was showing in her eyes and she had lost a good bit of weight (down
to 7lbs).  Her eyes look good now - she just seems sleepy - and her weight
seems good from what I can tell.  It could be that she is just fighting a
URI or some kind of infection.  It's so much harder for them to fight off
these things when they have FeVL+.

I got her to eat a couple of bites of food before I left for work.  I put
her in her favorite chair before I left too because as lethargic as she
seems, she would hardly be able to defend herself if a big dog came by and
wanted to harrass her.

Called the vet a bit ago and they will see her at 4pm.  Maybe I am just
being paranoid but with this disease I'm not taking any chances.  Please
send prayers and good vibes our way.

elizabeth and mama kitty

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