my cats love the fancy feast medleys too...especially the chicken and turkey. I am trying pet gold elite and getting mixed reviews. As a snack one of my cats loves the sheba snack cans, they aren't the full meal cans but little snacking wet food, expensive, but worth it when the cats love it so much. Good luck
Hillman Waller, Nookie the feral and Cree

Subject: Re: Looking for a good canned food
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:52:35 EDT

Well I "guess" it really depends on our fur babies.  And believe me, I  have
a ungiue crew, and that's putting it mildly.......
Some will eat just about anything, but I'll focus on my persnickety
My Puma (ancient, ill & w/ kitty alzheimers [EXCEPT when it comes to food] )
thrives on Fancy Feast, especially the "new" kind. ($$$'s, but he's  worth
it......). He also LOVES Friskies Tuna & Egg. Only thing is, I really have to
smush it for the old boy.... He likes his food really,  really wet.  He also
loves Friskies "Mixed Grill".  And,  Ocean  Whitefish, Turkey & Giblets,
And, except for a "few", my babies detest any sliced varieties.......(Except
for the Friskies Turkey & Giblets - probably know  it's "good" for them...)
Have to "confess", they all hated the good stuff (canned, they ALL eat
"good" dry.....)..
Another thing, almost all of them dislike any beef flavor. Even the
"non-persnickety" ones.
Hope you get some suggestions that Cassie will actually  love.......
Sorry if I wasn't more helpful.....  With this "memory thing", it's
impossible to recall all. Just remember Friskies 'cause it's what we exclusively fed
at shelter......
Hugs & Best Wishes,
Patti & her (Friskies/Fancy Feast) gang

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