Hi All,
Fred is doing better, we're still working on getting the infection under control, if we can't I'll have no choice but to remove the feeding tube. They think the tube moving slightly is irritating Fred's skin and he keeps getting an infection because he probably scratches then and gets bacteria in the area before it can completely heal.

It's still draining and I have to hot press it to draw out the infection before the wound heals with infection still in there. I feel so bad for Fred, he has been miserable for probably 4 of the last 6 weeks with this infection.

His blood pressure is coming down so that is good (180 last time it was checked), haven't noticed any leg twitching. I have upped his potassium supplement to get that back up to the mid 4's again (was down to 3.8 again).

Well time to hot press it, thanks for all your prayers!!

PS. I kept my cool, I'm going to write a letter to the owner of the clinic after I have time to get my thoughts together and calm down.

PSS. I just ordered some fish mox (Amoxicillin Capsules - 250 mg), I know some of you use it as an antibiotic, I want to do that. I'm thinking once we get this infection cleared up I'll keep Fred on a very low maintenance dose for a while until I'm sure this is cleared up for good, what do those of you who have used it think of that? I ordered the 250 mg bottle, what is the normal starting dose? Fred is currently getting clindamycin until we know what kind of bacteria we are dealing with, we still haven't got the results from his culture back yet.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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