If he is non regenerative anemia -you might want to try epogen - have
you used it on him yet?  I can try to get one for you and ship it if you
like to try for Joey -





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:14 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia - to Kelley


Aww Nina, Thanks.  He is pretty comfortable right now, despite his
shockingly low RBC.  He was eating this morning.  He gained 3 ounces in
4 days which is GREAT.  I just don't know what it means that the RBC is
still going down, but the WBC is going down too.   The WBC is within
normal range.  


He's only 10, which realistically means he could quite a few years left
if he can beat this.  It isn't like he's 20, in which case I might make
a different choice.


I'm also getting really good at pilling cats.  He's declawed (:() so he
can't claw me like my guys do.  He's good at spitting out the pills and
can hold them in his mouth FOREVER without swallowing so I had to get
good at getting them in there:) 


On 3/27/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I'm pretty darn sure the tax deduction would include interest on the
loan, no matter what the type of loan, (credit card or not), you'd have
to ask your tax consultant about that to be sure.  Like you say, having
deductions is all well and good, but if you don't have the income, it
doesn't make much difference.  It only changes your taxable income
amount.  The money is still out of your pocket and not available for the
next rescue.  

It's a nasty quandary, but it sounds like you've thought about this, (of
course you have, you're in rescue!), and as hard as the decision is,
money is a factor.  I've said it so many times before, sometimes all the
money in the world is not enough to save them.  Joey is so much better
off with you than he might otherwise be.  You care about him, he's safe
and loved, you are researching ways to help him.  He's been blessed with
a wonderful ally to fight for his chances and stand at his side.  My
prayers are with you that you continue to figure out ways to help Joey
and he makes a full recovery.   

Kelley Saveika wrote: 

No, you can't write off interest on credit cards.  It is worth it if he

On 3/27/07, Gussies mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 

Can you not write off some of the interest, too? 

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I am a nonprofit, I just don't have my letter of determination yet.  I
am expecting it before the end of the year, certainly before next tax
year.  But that doesn't really help much - you get about 30 cents back
on the dollar.  I wrote off 3,000 last year and got an 1,800 refund.
When I am paying 24% interest on this credit card I am using it is a
very large financial hit.  But he is going to get paid for anyway.  The
problem is when I run out of credit then it will be a very big issue.  I
just have to keep fundraising and make sure that doesnt' happen:). 

On 3/27/07, Stray Cat Alliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 

If you are not a non profit then you could possibly try to work with one
-- so if you paid whatever monies to them for the services and they paid
the bills, you could get a tax write off from the IRS. You would need a
receipt from the nonprofit. 
It is so kind of you to help the kitties and I know every cent counts!
Where is the money tree when we need it!


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


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Please help Joey!

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