OK. Crying is good. It cleanse the heart and mind. Good story because you will hear enough awful ones:

The Royal Princess Kitty Katt was diagnosed with cancer (not really sure which one because, when it was discovered, it had spread big time). I took her to specialists. They said treat her with a very "rough" chemo and she could live 6 months or so. Don't treat her and she will live maybe 2 months if you are lucky. My personal vets and I had long heart to heart talks as did a number of ACs and Kitty. We did not chose to treat-------her vets would not do it to themselves and I would not do it to myself and Kitty made it very plain that she wanted nothing to do with it. Kitty lived about 14 months and had a very high quality of life until the last couple of weeks. Her situation is unique as is yours with Wallace. The common thread is that they are both adored. I am not advocating any type of treatment or lack there of. We made our decisions and you must make yours. The purpose of this is to say no one knows, no matter how many letters they have after their names or pieces of paper on the wall, how and when we leave this world. Kitty taught me a lot about just living and enjoying (no, I still don't have it down pat but I am working on it) each other and not letting worry and grief totally take those wonderful times away.

Cry, grieve, and cry some more and talk to Wallace so he knows why you are flooding the house with all the water from your eyes............the tears may concern him. Then try very hard to enjoy all the days you have with your precious little friend no matter whether they are long or short. I pray they are long and peaceful and wonderful.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 6:16 PM
Subject: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

Hi folks--

Just got home from the vet a little while ago.
Wallace was such a good boy for both vets that he
didn't need to be sedated for his sonogram or biopsy.
That's my good boy. [sniffle]  They really love
Wallace at my vet hospital -- he was there for a week
six years ago for FUS, and they all know what a
sweetie he is. They have his picture (with Boo and
William) in the waiting room, too.  (If you'd like to
see it, it's here:

http://www.ratemykitten.com/pictures/392/000131996/  )

We won't know what the cancer is until the cytology
report comes in, Saturday or Tuesday. BEST case at
this point is lymphoma. Right now, both vets (my vet
and the sonography specialist vet) think that he has
adenocarcinoma in his small intestine, invading into
the mesentery. His stomach wall and other sections of
the small bowel are also thickening.

This is *bad*. Of the two types of tumor, this *is*
the operable one, but it's big -- 5cm -- and it's
invaded beyond the small intestine. There's a partial
blockage of the intestine's lumen, too, which is
causing real concern and is probably why he stopped

I'm going to go snuggle my kitty and cry now.

Thanks so much to everybody, esp. those who gave me
the lymphoma information. Looks like it might be a
moot point now -- adenocarcinoma is *bad*. Feels weird
to be praying that it might be lymphoma -- as I said,
the cytology report won't be in for a few days.

Advice on enticing a sick kitty to eat is appreciated,
but as he doesn't have FeLeuk/FIV, he's off topic.
Thank you, though -- everybody here is so generous of
spirit, and helpful.


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