Kelly, I went through this with 2 cats this winter. 
Both had infections.  i force fed them with AD, and
softened dry food.  The vet said that would give them
fiber.  I can't tell you why they started
eating...they just did. it was almost a month of
forcing them.

It was hell there for awhile.  I had to literally wrap
both of them like mummies.  Spud was the worst.  I
still have the scars to prove it!!  I found with him
that if i could get a little down him, he would eat
some on his own.

Best of luck to you both,
--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dr. Samon says physically there is no reason she
> can't eat or drink.
> I'm giving her subq fluids, which is the easy part,
> but it is
> difficult to impossible to get food down her.  She
> hides behind the
> toilet, turns her head away, etc.
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Gandalf!
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of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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