What a great little story to start my day on! Thanks!
It is so nice when the little darlings have managed to
tell us what is wrong and we, with our abilities, are
able to actually help them.  I'm so glad you solved
this problem and Miles is a happy little kitty again.
You guys are great! I particularly enjoy your colorful
emails ,so please stick around and keep learning with
the rest of us how to best care for our kitties.
Please keep us posted on how things are going with
your FeLV+ kitty.
 Every day it is something new around here. Bless your
hearts, you guys.
--- Beckie McRae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, Miles came thru with flying colors. 
> He indeed has a urinary tract infection.  He's on
> meds, and we haven't
> seen a mess since!  YAY!!!!
> Also, we turned on the air in one room for them last
> night.  They were
> loving it.  UNFORTUNATELY, we didn't turn the air on
> in our room, and it
> was MUGGY, so needless to say, we blew up out air
> mattress, and camped
> out in the kitty room.  I don't think they knew what
> to do!
> Here's "Mommy and Daddy" laying on the floor in
> there room.
> But alas, after about an hour or so of curious pokes
> and prods, everyone
> finally calmed down and we all got good nights
> sleep.  Double YAY!!!!!!
> Beckie

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