Such a good story...It is so wonderful to see the
improvements like this. Good luck at the vet's. Glenda
--- Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thanks Susan.  My mom and I both work and I don't live
with her, so we do the best we can with feeding her. 
She has already stopped eating like a fiend and she
will stop when she gets full.  The only way we have
gotten her to eat crunchies is by putting them in the
bowl with the wet food.  She will eat the wet food
first and then later, snack on the crunchies.  I
started her on Wellness Kitten wet food last night
(per Tad's suggestion)-- I knew that- that it's high
calorie!  It's just in the heat of the moment, I guess
you forget these things, so it's nice to have people
to remind you.  I also started her on Wellness dry
crunchies (she was just eating regular adult

I am worried about her liver function, but I have her
on Nutrical (since Sunday), so hopefully, we have
staved off a problem there, but I guess we will find
out.  We are taking her to a vet tomorrow.  

She is still showing the third eyelid a lot, but the
weepy eyes are much improved and in fact, when I
treated them with Terramycin last night, I did not see
any green discharge.  

She has not thrown up at all, so she's definitely not
gorging herself.  Last night, when my mom and I were
visiting her, she drank water for the first time in
front of us and she drank A TON!  

She is so much more perky too.  She seems so happy--
she purrs and kneads all the time.  And a good sign-
even if it makes my job a little harder- when I go to
treat her eyes or hold her, she's started squirming
and she even got away from me one time.  So clearly,
she is getting her strength back to some extent. 
She's even broke into a little jog to go see my mom
when she came in the room (and she was NOT doing that
when we first brought her in).  She loves the a/c more
than any cat I have seen and she "watches" the TV that
we leave on for her.

I put a "found cat" ad on Craigslist yesterday, but
haven't heard anything yet.  It will take me a while
to get to the other websites to list her.  The focus
now is rehabilitating her.

Thanks for your insight!


From: "Susan Dubose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 17:15:07 -0500

When cats are severly emaciated, it is best to give
them several "small" meals per day, as opposed to
allowing any free feeding.
This keeps them from getting sick.
I would have a complete blood panel done, also, to
verify that her liver / kidneys are functioning ok.
Thanks for saving her, Caroline, and thank your mom
You probably got her right in the nick of time.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in
                                   Faithful Bast at
her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of
soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with
sharpened claws."
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired
female that was clearly a house-cat that had been
hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3
weeks.  My mom had told the neighbor across the street
that I had a foster cat and so he thought I would know
what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did
not have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one
look at her and decided we needed to move fast- she'd
already been outside too long.  She had a collar on
with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by
the time we got her in a carrier and I had the collar
off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's was
closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come
Mon. morn., still hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she
drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- like out of
business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag
number with the owner, however, my mom is really
skittish about actually finding the owner because
there's no free newspaper ad looking for her, there's
no signs up in the neighborhood, and she was in SUCH
bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the
vet the cat went to to at least get her rabies shot is
"not a good one," so she is reluctant to just
immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the
owners- which at this point, is not looking promising
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought
we would maybe find the owners, and now I am trying to
work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her in
with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted
price.  When we found her she had horrible runny eyes-
all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We are
keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in
a crate- which we do let her out of when someone is
there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO good;
clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back
inside, so she will do anything right now (I can
handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her
eyes easily, etc.  I don't think she even knows how to
Her main problem is she is clearly severely
malnourished-- she is skin and bones literally.  She
has dander.  I think she would have died this week
outside of heat exhaustion, shock, etc., complicated
by malnutrition if we hadn't taken her in.  We are
feeding her Wellness wet food, which I am adding a
Colostrum and L-Lysine too, as well as Pet Calm. 
Thank god I remembered that I had a tube of Nutrical
(from Monkee), so I have been mixing that in the wet
food too and she just gobbles it up.  We are also
feeding her Wellness dry food, but it took a while for
her to eat it because I don't think she knew "how" to
eat dry cat food.  My Shamrock contact gave me a tube
of Terramycin to treat her eyes and they are already a
lot better.  The green discharge has lessened and the
overall watering and sneezing is better.  She's had
two BM's- we had to help the first one along with some
Laxatone.  The first one was pretty normal, but
yesterday's was runny (but that could have been from
the laxatone).
I just wanted to see if anyone else had advice for how
we can improve her nutrition until we can get her into
a vet?  I've never rescued a cat that was this
malnourished before and my mom is just really worried
about that, so I really just need some advice- even if
it's things I can tell my over-worrying mother to calm
her down!

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