Well, let's see if there is anything else mean we can
say about those guys...I forgot about the gun in their
pants not working...
--- Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, it's too bad that they just don't care about
> animals, except for their 
> "purebred" huntin' dog.
> They just want something to hang on their wall to
> make up for "inadequacies" 
> they have "elsewhere", if ya catch my drift........ 
> :)
> And don't get me started on "canned hunts"........
> Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
> www.PetGirlsPetsitting.com
> www.Tx.SiameseRescue.org
> www.shadowcats.net
>                                   "As Cleopatra lay
> in state,
>                                    Faithful Bast at
> her side did wait,
>                                    Purring welcomes
> of soft applause,
>                                    Ever guarding
> with sharpened claws."
>                                              Trajan
> Tennent
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "laurieskatz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 10:04 AM
> Subject: Re: OT: deer hunters: Greater heart attack
> risk
> AGREE ...hiking, and photo taking would be, dare I
> say, spiritual.
> I have learned more from watching deer in my yard
> for years than any hunter
> learns from stalking and killing innocents.
> They ARE families. I have watched bucks play
> fighting with fawns and bucks
> grooming each other, does grooming each other. When
> a yearling was wounded
> by a bow hunter (she survived the wound through
> winter. Have not seen her
> for awhile now) a doe was comforting her...it
> brought tears to my eyes. They
> are so loving.
> L

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