I agree.

On 8/21/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry--if it were my cat that got out and somebody found it in poor shape
> weeks later and chose not to call me cause they made judgments about me, I'd
> be furious.
> Christiane Biagi
> 914-632-4672
> Cell:  914-720-6888
> Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)
> www.findkpets.org
> Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of glenda Goodman
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 1:32 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: website for Lost/Found cats-TO WENDY
> Caroline, You have been through Hell and back with
> this cat. I know maybe it was not that particular cat
> you might have gone out and picked out of the hundreds
> available from the shelters where you are and you were
> not really looking or even ready for anyone after your
> precious Monkee, but after reading your posts and all
> your efforts and struggles and progress with this cat,
> all I can say is please just add the frosting to the
> cake...Name her! and give her the security she
> deserves...I do not care who the owners are...If I
> were the owner and loved her to death, I'd want her to
> be with you, if you might want her. Nothing is more
> rewarding than getting something that is all beat up
> and sad and polishing it up and making it happy. If I
> did not believe that I would not be crying right now,
> thinking about how I never got the chance to do that
> for that cat Marmalade that I will honestly never
> forget. The loss of him to me was huge. At this point
> I think you will always worry about THIS CAT and I
> think for you and your mom it would be best to keep
> her in your family. A lot of people will probably
> write and hate me for telling you this, but this is
> how I see it. Bless you and your mom and that kitty!
> Glenda
> --- Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> Susan:
> I am sorry about the fire and that you are still
> missing two cats.  That is heartbreaking.  You have
> been in my thoughts over the past few weeks.
> As explanation, well, it's complicated.  We found her
> about three weeks ago (Aug. 4) and that was about the
> time of your fire so you missed out on my posts about
> my "Malnourished Rescue Cat."  She was in HORRIBLE
> shape when we found her and that is part of the
> problem.  If she was kept as an outdoor cat, or even
> outdoor/indoor, she should not have been.  Some cats
> are just not "meant" to be outdoor cats and I have
> owned enough in my mere 30 years to be able to
> recognize that.  There is an outdoor colony of cats
> that are owned by a lady up the street from me who
> live outdoors...they "prefer" it and they do quite
> well.  The whole neighborhood looks out after them and
> a bunch of us feed them.  But my point is, these cats
> are true outdoor cats, this cat, is not.
> She had to have weighed under 5 pounds when we found
> her and she is not a young cat...the vet approximated
> 3-5 years old, more on the higher end.  We've had her
> in a room feeding her Wellness kitten wet and dry
> food, to which I was adding Colostrum, Rescue Remedy,
> L-Lysine, Brewer's Yeast, Salmon Oil (but not all at
> once), and tons and tons of Nutrical, as my mom and I
> were worried about her liver and kidney function
> because of her severe malnutrition.  I have never seen
> a cat this malnourished.  Our neighbor who had been
> feeding her (clearly not enough) said she'd been
> hanging out in the neighborhood at least 3 weeks.  She
> looked horrible.  She's long-haired, but she had
> dander and her collar was on way too tight-- it was
> frayed and shabby looking and it had rubbed all the
> fur off her neck where it had been.  The only tag on
> the collar was a rabies tag.  The vet listed on the
> tag had closed his offices and it took a while before
> we were able to reach them for them to give us the
> owner's phone number.  The cat also had a severe upper
> respiratory infection and when we put her in a
> carrier, her eyes were weeping all down her face with
> green discharge and she sneezed all the time.  I
> immediately started treating her eyes with Terramycin
> and we've already gone thru one tube.  She had fleas,
> but she had no energy to scratch at them.  We took her
> in because that weekend (of Aug. 4) was going to be
> the hottest ever (100's+) and I did not think she
> would have survived outside and I know I was right.
> My mom thought she might die that weekend at her
> house.  We just worked on feeding her and getting her
> digestive system working again before we took her to a
> vet almost a week later.  We got her on Clavamox.
> She's much better now, but her infection is not
> completely gone; the hair hasn't grown back on her
> neck; she's ridiculously happy and I have never seen a
> cat so clearly enjoy the air conditioning as she does.
>  You can still feel the bones sticking out on her
> body, but her stomach is filling out.
> We also discovered today, due to the storm, that she
> deathly afraid of storms...she's been hiding under the
> bed and nervously looking at the window.  It's kind of
> broken my mom's heart and she is just extremely
> worried about the owners in this situation because the
> cat was in such bad shape and clearly didn't know how
> to take care of herself while outside.  I don't think
> she was able to eat anything (not a hunter--
> clearly!), unless given to her by human.
> We just have some major concerns here and don't want
> to have spent all this time, energy (I have to go to
> my mom's everyday after work to treat the cat with
> Clavamox because my mom can't do it and that keeps me
> away from other things I need to do, my own foster
> cat, and the colony/street cats that I look
> after/feed), and money if the cat has bad owners?  She
> is also the sweetest cat in the world, I don't think
> she knows how to do anything other than purr and
> knead-- she doesn't seems to know how to scratch or
> hiss.  And because of that, I know that it would kill
> my mom if we turned this cat over to less than the
> most wonderful owners in the world and I feel I have
> to do everything I can to protect both this cat and my
> mom from making some really unfortunate mistake in
> judgment....
> In the meantime, this cat needed intensive
> rehabilitation and care that I know that I am more
> than capable of providing, so because of that, I have
> not felt bad about not immediately calling the owners
> to come get their what was "on it's death-bed" cat.
> -Caroline
> ---------------------------------
> From:  Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject:  RE: website for Lost/Found cats-TO WENDY
> Date:  Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:33:28 -0700 (PDT)
> Why would you not want to call?
>  We're still looking for two cats who were lost
> during our house fire two weeks ago.  The thought of
> someone having info but trying to make us come to
> them.....why?
> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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>      Just cause I'm stubborn!  LOL
>  You're assuming that the tag info is the owner's
> current address.  All the flyers in the world are
> useless if that's not where they live now (you know
> how many cats disappear when the movers arrive!!!) and
> all the internet ads are useless if they don't have a
> computer.  It's a whole lot easier to call them—you
> don't have to give them any info and if you don't like
> what you hear, just hang up.  You can block caller ID
> so they can't read your phone # when you call.  You
> are in control of the situation!
>  And please remember, people put tags on their pets
> cause they figure that if the pet gets lost
> & then found, somebody will do the right the thing and
> call them.  Doesn't it defeat the purpose to just
> ignore those tags.  Hasn't anybody ever had a dog get
> loose from the yard—that's what the tags are for.
> Hasn't anybody ever had a child 'disappear' under the
> clothes racks in the mall?  Children and pets
> wander—that's a reality.  It is generally the more
> responsible owner who makes sure they have tags.
>  Christiane Biagi
>  914-632-4672
>  Cell:  914-720-6888
>  Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)
>  www.findkpets.org
>  Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families
> with their Animals
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Caroline Kaufmann
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 12:13 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: OT: website for Lost/Found cats-TO WENDY
>        WENDY:
>    I hate to do this to you again, but remember the
> post you sent where you listed all the websites where
> you could post a lost/found cat?  I think I deleted it
> (I can't find it) and I wanted
> to see if you could re-post?  My mom and I still have
> the rescue cat (we posted on craigslist, the local
> newspaper online and we are also going to do a print
> ad, posted signs at the grocery, the pet store, and we
> have posted signs in what we believe to be the cat's
> neighborhood on Sat.- but we haven't had ANY calls!).
> Yes, we have the owner's phone number and street name
> (but not street number) and we are TRYING to make the
> owner come to us.  We posted signs on the alleged
> owner's street, but my mom made me post signs in other
> places too so it wouldn't look so obvious and um,
> stalker-ish, which I think is a term you used Wendy!
>    But when we were posting the sign at the pet
> store, we met an old man that lost a neutered Siamese
> Seal Point and he struck up a conversation with my mom
> (of course).  I gave him the craigslist info so he
> could post there and my mom recommended he make the
> rounds to the Animal Shelters.  Today, I found his
> post on craigslist with a picture and this cat is
> GORGEOUS...so I feel really bad for him.  I wanted to
> send him an email to his craigslist address providing
> him with those additional websites where he can post.
>    I would really appreciate it if you could provide
> them again!
>    Thanks,
>    Caroline
> ---------------------------------
>  Now you can see trouble…before he arrives
> ---------------------------------
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