
Congratulations on your new addition to the fur family!  I like the name Percy. 
 My sister had a Percy bear growing up, so it makes me think of snuggling.  I 
hope all your kitties settle in soon with their new housemate!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:56:48 AM
Subject: Oh my Goodness!

Well, this morning my friend Julia brought over my new 
fiv+ / felv+ kitty.
She was calling him "Oreo" since he is a tuxie, but that has to go.
She was just out of names, due to so many rescues this year.
I feel her pain..... :(
Anyway, what do folks think about "Percy"?
For some reason when he came outta the carrier the name Percy came to mind.
Of course, as we all know, he will have several names before it's all 
over........  :)
So far, no bloodshed in the felv+ suite.
My cats were appalled @ how he jumped outta the carrier and went straight for 
their breakfast, which was chicken & egg whipped souffle' w/ cheese from 
Elegant Medleys.........Sprinkled w/ Lysine & Missing Link PF...... (hey, I 
would rather them eat something better, but the Elegant Medleys got started 
when Serenity was still w/ me. That's all she would eat along w/ baby food when 
she was dying. And it works)
Four bowls out, he ate 2, now I will have to put out 5 maybe 6 in the mornings.
He has the "big" head of a fiv+ tom cat.
But he is sweet as can be.
Miss Princess Naughty Lola peered @ him like he was an oversized insect, she 
did not want him to get to close to her feathery baby fine cream & chocolate 
Miss Lillian, who actually came from the same hoarder as him, sniffed him but 
he was not allowed to sniff her, she growled.
Papillon is mad, hiding in the bathroom, but I think he will be ok, Percy is so 
Miss Ursula, my beeeeoooootiful doll faced Sealpoint, is hiding behind the 
couch, that is her comfort zone when she feels like she's being invaded.
Percy is just so happy to be outta a cage, he was in a cage by himself in 
Julia's dry storage building......
He is so people oriented, it must have been hard on him.
This was a good move, and thanks Diane for being supportive of me in making 
this decision yesterday.
Now you are up to date, will keep you posted on the latest happenings @ Chez 
Mew today..........  :)
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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