Papillon seems to be sleeping more than normal.

Papillon is my flamepoint Balinese "Top Cat" that is felv+.

He is eating the same w/ the exception of not quite as much moist food in the 
mornings (but still eating some), fur looks good, hasn't lost weight, still 
"over stimulates easily" when I go to him and pet him,which makes him grab my 
hand, bite it while bunny kicking.

On the other side, he seems to be sleeping ALOT more, not "singing" like he 
used to, not jumping on the 3 girls and playing a bit rough anymore.

I checked his lymph nodes and they are not swollen.

I noticed the change about the same time that I brought in Percival, but after 
about 2 days Pappy no longer hissed at him, and while they are not preening 
each other, they like each other.

Yesterday when Percival "sniffed"Pappy, Pappy just rolled over and put a 
"softpaw"on Pappy's face, just looked into his eyes, very sweetly............

Should I be concerned?

Does this come & go?

While I have lots of experince w/ felv+ cats ( I used to care for Dr. Smith's 5 
to 6 days a week and I also have a couple of clients that have felv+ cats), I 
have never actually had one in my home until last year.

I will be @ the Cat Hospital picking up my usual supply of Zithromax for 
Paloma, Princess Purr-la & Sugar Buggars (all felv-,just chronically ill..) so, 
I will talk to Dr. Smith and see what he says.

Has anyone else noticed their felv+ cats having "off time, on time?).

Would bloodwork be the next step?

Sorry so many questions, I am just very worried about him.

I love them all so much and I am not ready to lose him.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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