For a stool sample, I think all you need it a fresh stool.  So, try not get any from the night before.  The vet also needs it to be relatively free of litter, which I find is usually the case, unless you use the crystals like I did with Monkee.  I just always scooped some out and put it in a plastic grocery bag.  I have heard of other people putting it into an empty/old prescription pill bottle (I guess that way it won't smell so bad on the way to the vet's).  The stool sample should be pretty easy to handle.  Just collect right before you leave for the vet- that is what I always did. 

As for a urine sample, I have no idea?  I have never been asked to provide one for a pet and I've had a lot of pets (my dad was a vet)!  Just take in the stool sample and then go from there is my suggestion.


Subject: Collecting a stool sample?
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:19:52 EDT

Hey guys,
I just got home a few minutes ago and Jeff had been holding Grizzabella earlier.  Apparently there was some blood on his shirt where he was holding her.  I'm not sure if its rectal or vaginal bleeding, but I'm sure when I take her to the vet they're going to want samples, so do you guys have any recommendations as to how I can collect a stool and/or urine sample?  I've never attempted it, and I wouldn't even know where to start.  Geez!  It seems like its already started. :/

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