I have to wonder why a cat would test pos. after a
feline leukemia vaccination? I'm wondering if
different vets use different vaccines? My vet uses a
killed virus vaccine. I have had her explain this to
me a couple times , because I keep doubting a cat
cannot test pos. after a vaccination...
Well, she finally said, it is antigens that show up in
a pos. FeLV test not,  antibodies...
I continue to wonder, because I have heard so many
times from people that believe the vaccination can
skew the FeLV test? Dawn, was it your vet that gave
you that information? I know the FIV vaccination will
make a FIV negative cat show pos. on an FIV test. That
is the biggest reason that the FIV vaccine is not
offered by many clinics...They also say it is really
not that effective?
If some of you better informed people want to chime in
I would be grateful, so once and for all we can get
clear on this...
Thanks, Glenda

--- Dawn Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Melissa and everyone,
> Thanks for your input.
> I am still highly concerned that my 4 year old will
> test positive since she would immediately eat the
> wet food that was leftover in the food bowl the
> FeLV+ ate out of and she was not vaccinated at the
> time. Only time will tell I guess, it's going to be
> a long couple of months waiting for the retest.
> After the vaccination, I understood that they will
> test positive but not for very long afterwards. Our
> vet suggested having them retested in 6 months, she
> said by then we'll have a better idea if the virus
> has settled in their system.
> Yes, I am the one living near Chicago who is looking
> for a home for Bea. Still looking for a home for the
> little one if anyone knows of someone!!
> I am just so uncertain of keeping my positive and
> negatives together, I know no one knows the answer
> and it truly is a hard decision to make. I have
> heard pro and cons from both sides. I think my
> biggest concern is our 4 year old, she likes to play
> bite and Bea still have her claws. 
> Thanks
> Dawn
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