If you are doing the rescue work for a recognized 501(c)(3) it is tax

This is one of many good reasons to form a 501(c)(3) IMHO.  Some have
a different opinion.  Other benefits are increased donations,
possibility for grants, etc.

If you are doing it on your own then no, I'm afraid it is not tax deductible.

The IRS has gotten more strict this year also - so when you pay a vet
bill you need to get a receipt from the 501(c)(3).

If you have any more questions I'll be happy to try to answer them,
but I'm not a CPA or anything.

On Feb 2, 2008 10:54 PM, Lora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was in the Harp's Pets (a pet shop here in
> Evansville, IN) picking up some Sugar Glider nectar
> that I had orded the week before, when the chashier
> asked me if I bred.
> I told her heck no! I do sugar glider and cat/kitten
> rescue work.
> She commenced to telling me that rescue work is tax
> deductible.
> No way? Really?
> She says so.
> Anyone know anything about this?
> I am the queen of paper, so providing receipts for
> spay/neuter operation, dentials, vaccinations, blood
> work-ups & panels, veterinarian over-the-counter
> medications e.g. antibiotic, flea/tick topical
> repellent (Revloution), food, litter, equipment,
> accessories, etc. can be proven.
> I can itemize if need be. Not exactly sure HOW to do
> that.
> The rescue work tax deduction that the cashier was
> referring to is not the 501(c) Non Profit Code is it?
> Rescue work is not categorized the same as Non Profit
> is it? I thought the were two (2) separate entities.
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
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