One thing my firiend did was bring out the kitty in a carrier and place her up high so she could watch the goings on but not interact with the others. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sue Koren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: + & - cats together

Thanks for the ideas! I googled the cat dancer and it is very similar to Buzz's favorite toy which is a wand with a long leather string tied to a mouse with feathers. He plays so hard with that toy that he ends up panting. While on that website I found something called "Mouse in the House" that looks like it will be good for the long times when he is alone. We have to keep his room locked because one of our other cats, Scottie, is very good at opening closed doors. Every time I visit him I have to pick the lock from the outside. I say goodbye to him before I leave for work, and check on him for a few minutes when I come home. Then I have to fix dinner and after it is cleaned up I try to bring him out to the family room on my lap for a little bit, but he doesn't want to be held out there. I end up going back in his room with him for the rest of the evening. The idea about a bird feeder will work and I think grass in tubs would be good also. I assume cat grass is OK for FeLV + ? The other cats would enjoy the grass, also. All of them are indoor cats. Can't play favorites. Maybe after some time goes by Buzz will get used to living in one room and not cry so.

---- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try bird feeders near the window and a window perch.  Cats can bat
balls and toys even on carpet.  A nice box to hide in would be great.
I had two cats who loved the Catnip (I think that is the title) tape
(birds, squirrels etc) even though they had a 12x6x6 covered kennel
with 24/7 access.  Lots of personal time with you too.....maybe a tv
or radio to listen to part of the time (not all of the time--it
becomes noise then).  Dixie has three pans (goat food size rubber
pans) on dollies with grass and capnip growing in them.  She can get
into the pans and roll in the grass and catnip and have a ball (she
has three because she wears them down and they need time to refresh).
A warm place to snuggle, maybe with a snuggle safe.

Ideas.....take what works for you and for Amond.
On Feb 17, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Lance wrote:

I think most cats play best with interactive toys. Ember loves the
Cat Charmer, and while we haven't played with it in awhile, she
liked the Cat Dancer, too. I also have a few pieces of elastic
material that my mom gave me, and those work.

A cat condo with a view is a great idea.


On Feb 17, 2008, at 5:10 PM, Sue & Frank Koren wrote:

Thank you for telling about Armond.  I guess that answers my
question - they can be infected even with the vaccination.  That is
too much risk for me and my original cats.  If one of them got sick
I would feel horrible!
 I don't want to get another FeLV+ cat, it seems like that would
just double the trouble, and both of them in this small room.  The
best I can do is make this as   a place as possible for him.  I
already have one of those donuts with a ball inside, a soft square
he can hide in and various other cat toys.  I think I will replace
the chair by the window with a cat condo.  Any suggestions for
making room sweet room a fun place for Buzz to be?  The floor is
carpeted, so things that roll across the floor don't work.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dorothy Noble
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 1:34 PM
Subject: + & - cats together

To Sue & Frank ~
I absolutely understand about you wanting Buzz to be with the
others.  It is so tough to have them separated.  We brought in a
stray a year ago and did not have her tested (but we did have her
vaccinated).  Anyway, she was positive and exposed our others.
Armond caught the virus but my other cat did not.  All of my
animals were always vaccinated.  Based on my experience, I would
not mix them.  I have had Armond since he was 4 weeks old, he has
had all of his shots and he still tested positive from being with
the other positive cat.
We just adopted another FeLV positive cat so Armond could have a
friend and we had a special house built for them.  It works out

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