Thank-you for this encouraging and HAPPY update!
God bless us all!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lynne 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 12:57 PM
  Subject: my baby

  I have to tell you guys about BooBoo's new regime.  It involves taking him 
out in the patio twice a day for fresh air and nature.  He's really enjoying 
it.  He watches and listens to the birds for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time.  
I think it does him a world of good.  Today he walked into the living room 
after his outdoor adventure, which is unusual, and was waving his tail in 
Lennie's face who was sleeping on the sofa.  This woke Len up who just stared 
at him.  Then Bob was feeding Len some silly cat treats and BooBoo who usually 
cowers from him, got up marched right over to Len and hissed at him.  Totally 
out of character.  Lennie who in his day would lay ruin to any animal who 
entered his yard just left and went back to bed.  On the way to the stairs Boo 
tore the hell out of the bottom stair carpet and boinged upstairs.  I had 
brought his food up but he literally threw himself down in front of it, put his 
head between his paws and sulked until Bob came up and encouraged him to eat.  
It's getting ridiculous.  He wants both of us to feed him and stay with him til 
he's done.  So far the Lasix seems to be keeping the fluid under control and 
he's breathing normally. 

  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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