If it is any help: Dixie Louise has lived with me for appx 3 years. She showed up at my Mom's (as do lots of cats) for food and shelter. She stayed there for a while until I decided to spay her with the aim of taking her to the farm I was/am trying to build a house on. She is very healthy....especially now that she has good food and is an indoor cat. She was going to be an outside cat but, when she tested FeLV+ before she was spayed, that changed. She has a little trouble with her teeth and gums but that may well be from her past, little or no medical attention and poor food. No one knows how long she was on her own but she was at Mom's for several months and was in rotten shape when she came there. My vets gave me the options for her when she was tested and were extremely relieved when killing her was taken off the table. If she seems off for any reason I take or at least consult either my regular vets or one of the holistic vets who treat her (which depends on what seems to be going on).

I would not have missed a minute with her.  She is so dear.

Good luck and blessings to you for caring. Only you can decide what to do.
On Apr 2, 2008, at 9:21 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

I never had to do one thing for FeLV+ Squeaky. He had no symptoms. Stripes had a cold from time to time. They tested positive in 1985, 2 years after I adopted them. When they tested positive, Stripes was 11 and Squeaky was 10. I was their second guardian and they were always inside and my only cats. No one was too excited about it and no one suggested anything special. They did fine. Isabella, after her first sick months has been the picture of health. We do give some meds and interferon but are in the process of weaning her off meds.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 6:28 PM
Subject: RE: Another Important Question

Here's the thing.... FELV actually is not fatal in it of itself. Rather, it can cause suppression of the immune system and a cat can then die from complications of other diseases. Example--I believe that kittens who are
positive are at higher risk of succumbing to Upper Respiratory
Infections--infections from which they might well recover were their immune system not compromised. Older cats seem to be more at risk of getting certain lymphomas, have problems with anemia, etc. But again, nothing is

I have 2 FELV+ cats one of whom, Tucson, lived with my 3 negatives for 5 years before I knew she was even positive. They all groomed each other,
occasionally swatted each other, used the same litter boxes, shared
food/water dishes, toys, etc. For me, I knew I couldn't separate them and vaccinated the non-positives and just went on as usual==that was almost 4 years ago and everybody's still fine. I do give them some higher quality food, Wellness, but that's more because a couple are real porkos and I was trying to get away from too much dry food and too many fillers. My second FElV+, Romeo, is a stray that I'd been feeding outside for a couple of years--I never dreamed he was positive as I had never seen him sick. He's probably the oldest of my brood and he's had some gum problems which we handled with antibiotics--not very costly. When I first found out my Tucson was positive, I ran to the vet every two seconds--but after a while, I calmed down. Many people on this board take in positive kittens and sadly, those I think, are at highest risk. I had my Tucson since she was a kitten but clearly, she got through the most critical period and is now her hefty
18 lbs and a cantankerous calico to boot!

I've not done interferon and outside of some relatively inexpensive
supplements that I periodically try to get into their food, I haven't done much different than if they were all negative. I know the personality of these two, and I know that if things do go bad, it would be more hurtful to
subject them to too much--they're just those kinds of cats.

Outside cats, clearly, have more problems cause they're much more likely to get worn down, to not be as well fed, to be in the cold, etc. Inside, with some decent food, they've got a good chance of just living regular lives. Of course, anything can happen but the way I look at it, anything can happen
with my negative cats too.

Christiane Biagi
Cell:  913-720-6888
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 7:27 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Another Important Question

One of the ladies in Iowa to whom I spoke mentioned the possibility
that Binxy may only be a carrier of the disease since she is four yrs.
old and healthy.

So, is there any way (other than the passage of time) to definitively
determine whether she is just a carrier?

And, am I correct in the assumption that being a carrier only would
give her the same life expectancy as any other cat who does not carry
this virus?  Or can a cat convert from being just a carrier to being
actively infected for whatever reason?---just trying to get my facts

Thanks. Caroline


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