Here is a link on how to Texas A&M GI lab on how to handle the blood sample if 
the vet is not familiar with the protocol for a fPLI test.
  As I understand it the test costs approx $100, the cat must fast for 12 hrs 
before the test and it takes up to 10 days to get the results.
  Folks I know with a pancreatitis kitty give them fluids, and a pain med like 
buprenorphine (Buprenex).  Never give a cat Metacam for the pain.  Most of the 
cats were assist fed thru the crash.
  Hugs to Hobbs
  Sharyl Sissy and Rocket     

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Bailey had bad stomastisis and also ended up with pancreatitis, 
his symptoms started with lethargy and not eating very much, he didn't 
cry out but was very uncomfortable when I fed him (he had a feeding tube 
because he ate nothing on his own). He even ran from me one time when 
it was feeding time. His temperature and blood pressure were low (low 
blood pressure can be a symptom of pain). He also had chronic 
diarrhea. We didn't ever do the test for it because my vet felt his 
glucose and amalyese where within normal range so he probably didn't 
have it, I asked her about it, I really felt in my gut he had it. We 
did ultra sounds, xrays and didn't find it, all we saw were a slightly 
enlarged spleen, his pancreatitis went untreated and turned into cancer 
which killed him after about 6 months of being sick. In hindsight I 
wish I had insisted on the test for pancreatitis, we may have been able 
to rteat it before it turned into cancer ... ALWAYS go with your gut if 
you have a gut feeling.

Prayers for Hobbs you can figure out what is going on with him.


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