hi guys
this seems to be the last post I have rec'd from the list.
Is something wrong? At one point I was asked to sign in, which I did,  
but that
was a long time ago.
I hope everyone is ok ...it feels so strange not being connected.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

On Apr 25, 2008, at 9:45 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

> Lynne, maybe you can request oxygen? My Frankie is having surgery  
> to remove some lumps and have them biopsied tomorrow. He is  
> asthmatic. I requested oxygen.
> L
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 3:45 PM
> Subject: Re: spaying
>> Thanks Dede,
>> I realize I'm concerned about a procedure that is routine but I  
>> was still
>> worried about her little pushed in nose and having difficulty in  
>> breathing
>> while under but the technician I spoke to told me that she would be
>> carefully monitored during the procedure.  After all she has been  
>> through in
>> her short 3 years I just feel bad about having to subject her to  
>> anything
>> that involves pain.  She's just so happy now.  And I'm still kind  
>> of in
>> disbelief about what happened with BooBoo.  I just don't take  
>> anything for
>> granted anymore when it comes to my pets.
>> Lynne
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "dede hicken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 5:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaying
>>> Lynne,
>>> I know how you feel.  Your new little one is healthy.  If you go  
>>> to a
>> capable vet that uses iso for anesthesis, and does monitoring,  
>> she'll be
>> fine.  I have seen the proceedure done many times.  We waited  
>> almost a year
>> to do our Dusty because she has a hypoplastic trachia, and  
>> asthma.  I was a
>> basket case, but my wonderful vet called a specialist, and they  
>> used a
>> kitten sized tube to intubate her during the surgery.  She is now  
>> 10 yrs
>> old...fat and very content.
>>> Good luck and God bless.
>>> Dede
>>> "When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only  
>>> in the
>> service of your God"
>>>                    Mosiah 2:17
>>> --- On Thu, 4/24/08, Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > From: Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> > Subject: spaying
>>> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>> > Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 9:47 PM
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > I haven't posted in a while but have been reading all
>>> > the emails.  I guess this is a little off topic but I need
>>> > some reassurance.  This coming Thursday we are taking our
>>> > Snowy in to be spayed.  It was part of the contract I
>>> > signed when we adopted her from the foster mom. She's
>>> > the rescued girl we got after BooBoo died.  She's a 3
>>> > year old persian and I am scared to death about doing this.
>>> >  We've had her for about a month and the vet thought it
>>> > a good idea that we wait til she adjusted to us, which took
>>> > about a day.  She had been neglected in the past and had
>>> > basically lived in a cage until she was rescued.  She had
>>> > feline herpes and a respiratory infection when she was
>>> > taken but recovered nicely and was immunized when we got
>>> > her.  I just keep thinking that if we had not had BooBoo
>>> > neutered he may have fared better.  I truly believe that it
>>> > hastened his demise.  I hope I'm wrong about this and
>>> > even though we have always had our cats neutered, I realize
>>> > spaying is a little more complicated.  The vet assured us
>>> > she would be fine but if we lost her I don't think
>>> > we'd ever recover.  She is an amazing precious little
>>> > girl.  We haven't had a younger cat in the house for a
>>> > long time and she is so playful and comes to bed with me
>>> > every night when I go upstairs.  She talks to us all the
>>> > time in these little meows and you can tell she is really
>>> > happy.
>>> >
>>> > The field worker who investigated BooBoo's previous
>>> > owners came by last week to meet her and see how she was
>>> > doing and was amazed at her too.  He commented that we were
>>> > lucky to get her because hundreds of people applied.
>>> > She's kind of a poster child in this area for abused
>>> > animals.  He also said she was very lucky to have got us,
>>> > which was very nice of him.
>>> >
>>> > Lynne
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