I cannot believe that BooBoo is gone because of you.  On the contrary I have 
to believe that he was sent to you and you were able to own him because some 
higher power wanted that beautiful kitty to know what it is like to be loved 
and cherished in this world before he had to leave it.  I know how hard it 
is to miss a cat you are deeply fond of.  Tucker has been gone just over two 
weeks and I can still hardly stand it.  I have been second guessing the 
choices I made ever since.  But there is no way in the world anyone could 
ever say that you didn't do everything you possibly could for BooBoo. Both 
medical and emotionally.
Please go easier on yourself and believe that that little kitty angel will 
be very happy to see you at the bridge.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: FIV/FeLV info

> Laurie, thank you for giving this overview of these two viruses.
> I wish so much I had educated myself prior to owning a Felv positive cat.
> Of course it helps to know ahead of time what you're dealing with.  I 
> swear
> we'd still have BooBoo with us if I had only known.  I honestly believe 
> now
> that we contributed to his demise by having him groomed, bathed (he was
> loaded with fleas, mites and horribly matted fur when we got him) and then
> the neutering a week later.  I think we caused him so much distress that 
> his
> immune system totally failed him.  I also have this horrible guilt that if 
> I
> hadn't been so insistent on owning him, he may have survived in his own
> enviromnent longer.  When he was diagnosed with FIV on top of everything, 
> he
> went downhill immediately.  He had already lived 5 years and died within a
> month of us getting him and learning of his diagnosis.  We did everything
> the vet told us to do and more and in the end I'm now thinking we should
> have left things well enough alone.  It was a hard lesson to learn and I'm
> paying dearly for it.  There isn't a day goes by that I don't miss him
> terribly.  Getting Snowy the rescued cat has helped tremendously but 
> still,
> BooBoo can never be replaced.
> Lynne
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Laurieskatz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:59 PM
> Subject: FIV/FeLV info
>> FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)
>> Both FIV and FeLV are called "retroviruses" because of the way that they
>> replicate, or multiply, inside the cat's body.  FIV is further classified
> as
>> a lentivirus, or "slow virus."
>> An FIV-positive cat may live for many years.  However, the virus
> eventually
>> weakens the immune system, which limits the cat's ability to protect
> itself
>> against other infections or illnesses.  Periods of relatively good health
>> may be interspersed with recurrent illnesses.
>> FIV is spread primarily through bite wounds.  The virus is transmitted 
>> via
>> the saliva of an FIV-positive cat when it bites deep into the tissue of
>> another cat.  It is therefore commonly found in tomcats as they fight for
>> territory and mates.  Casual, non-aggressive contact does NOT spread the
>> virus.  The virus cannot survive for more than a few hours when exposed 
>> to
>> air.  Therefore, an FIV-positive cat CAN live in a house with 
>> non-infected
>> cats if they are all on friendly terms and don't fight with each other.
>> Sharing food and water bowls, litter pans, and even grooming each other
> will
>> NOT spread the virus.
>> If acquired during adulthood, a cat with FIV can live a long, full life,
> and
>> many do.  However, the weakened immune system can lead to recurrent or
>> chronic conditions such as inflammation of the gums and mouth, skin,
>> urinary, or upper respiratory infections, weight loss, anemia, persistent
>> diarrhea, and cancer.
>> For additional information, please see:
>>, or contact 
>> us!
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
>> ----
>> FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus)
>> FeLV is also a retrovirus, but it differs in many ways from FIV, 
>> including
>> its shape and genetic makeup.   And although many of the diseases caused
> by
>> the two viruses are similar, the specific way those diseases are caused 
>> is
>> different.
>> About 65% of cats with FeLV will live a full life.  Unfortunately, the
>> remaining 35% will probably die within three years.  Just like FIV, FeLV
> may
>> cause a weakened immune system that limits the cat's ability to fight off
>> other infections.  Periods of relatively good health may be interspersed
>> with recurrent illnesses.
>> An FeLV-positive cat "sheds" high quantities of the virus in its saliva
> and
>> nasal secretions.  Therefore, the virus can be spread from cat to cat
>> through mutual grooming and, more rarely, by sharing food bowls and 
>> litter
>> boxes, as well as through bite wounds.  An infected mother can also
> transmit
>> the virus to her kittens before birth or while nursing.
>> FeLV is the most common cause of cancer in cats, and it may cause various
>> blood disorders.  As with FIV, FeLV can weaken the immune system so that
> the
>> same bacteria and viruses that usually do not affect a healthy animal can
>> cause serious illness in a cat with FeLV.  Common secondary infections
>> include inflammation of the gums and mouth, skin, urinary, or upper
>> respiratory infections, and persistent diarrhea.
>> For additional information, please see:
>>, or contact us!
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