Bea had her dental surgery on Thursday and everything went well. She did have 
some blood in her urine after she came to and I'll be keeping an eye on that. 
Because of time and 4 teeth that gave the dr a hard time only the back teeth 
were extracted. I wish they could have all been done but safety first.
Yesterday she seemed to eat okay. She was picky on what she wanted but she was 
eating. Today she doesn't really want to eat. I've tried just about everything 
I can think of - wet adult, wet kitten even baby food (no onion/tomato) but 
she's just not interested. She'll take a couple of licks and that's it. I know 
she must be in some discomfort even with the pain meds. but I'm not sure what 
else to try. I have been mixing everything with some water to make sure she's 
at least staying somewhat hydrated. As far as I know she hasn't taken a drink 
from the water bowl yet.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I might get her to eat? I know 
she's hungry because she'll follow me into the kitchen and sit in front of 
where I prepare her food normally.


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