Try Rescue Remedy in their water and Feliway spray.
On Dec 14, 2008, at 6:19 PM, <> wrote:

> i have 1 pos (Annie who is an alpha type), Homey wo is felv neg, and  
> 2 new girls Homey 2 and Casey who are both neg.  big problem is that  
> Casey is also an alpha so Annie is now experiencing some of the  
> bullying that she has been visiting on Homey.  Homey is now #3 in  
> pecking order and poor Homey 2 is at the bottom of the order.  she  
> is so terrified that she runs when she hears any noise and spends  
> most of her time hidden under the bed, behind the computer desk or  
> in some unknown hiding place i haven't found yet.  i am afraid that  
> the additional stress will hurt Annie (pos) and leave both Homeys a  
> basket case.  DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS?  Annie is now on the run  
> from Casey and only feels secure on my lap.  Homey only feels safe  
> on my lap. i spend a lot of time sitting and being a security  
> blanket.  little Homey 2 doesn't feel safe anywhere.
> also, Casey and Homey 2 came from 1 yr in shelter where apparently  
> boxes were not cleaned too often and Casey has developed a bad habit  
> of kicking all soiled litter out of box and then using the box.  any  
> ideas on this subject?  dorlis
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